Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter – A Declaration of Independence

Its Easter Morning. 100_1760

  Last night I had insomnia and didn’t sleep all night.  After realizing that I wasn’t going to sleep I spent most of the night with Della cruising the information highway, reading news and other inspiring blogs. Then I watched  Huckabee, CSI NY and Madagascar (My kids call it “mad at a gas car”.)  let the cat in and out, did a load of laundry, made breakfast for the Mister, loaded the dishwasher and baked cinnamon rolls for the kids to eat for breakfast.  I feel like that old Army commercial where they say “We do more before 8:00am than most people do all day.”  Only, I don’t think it counts unless you actually go to bed and then get up to do all of those things.  Finally, around 6:15 my batteries were running low and I climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep listening to the soothing sounds of the thunderstorm in the distance.   As the night turned into day I settled in to a deep sleep.  100_2956  It was cool outside so my bedroom window was open.  This morning’s alarm clock was the sound of church bells ringing behind my house.   They don’t normally ring the bell on Sundays but today is Easter – the most sacred of days for Christians around the world.  It was a welcomed sound of joy and I could hear the words ringing in my heart

He’s alive!  He’s Alive! He’s Alive!

For Christians this is our declaration of independence, our very own special 4th of July.  Jesus sacrificed his life for us.  He took our place, our punishment for our sins, so we could be re-united with God who created us.  No longer separated from Him.  Set free and forgiven from any sin, no matter how great.  They beat him beyond recognition, crucified him by nailing him to a cross and then mocked him while they waited for him to die.  BUT THEN…on the third day…THIS DAY that we celebrate HE AROSE FROM THE GRAVE.   He said He would and He did.  Neither Buddha nor Mohamed can offer this.  And because of this -  WE ARE FORGIVEN FROM EVERY SIN – AS IF THEY NEVER HAPPENED, and all we have to do is ask.  Its FREE for all who ask.  This is our day of rejoicing, OUR DAY OF INDEPENDENCE. 

Another song comes to mind: Free at Last!  Free at Last!  Thank God Almighty! We are free at last!

Enjoy your Easter celebrations but remember what it is really all about.  Jesus is alive and he lives in my heart today.

For more information about forgiveness and why you need Jesus.  Or, if you need answers to life's tough questions:

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